Tuesday, February 12, 2013

what Aiden and Ella are eating

a super easy and healthy flavored yogurt for today. my two love their yogurt. they eat it in oatmeal, use it as a dip or just enjoy as a quick lunch. I still use the full fat yogurt for my guys since Aiden is on the smaller size and I like to give him as much calories as we can get in him. anyway, full fat yogurt is actually hard to come by I find unless you buy the baby yogurt. some store don't carry the larger containers of full fat yogurt. when we were up north the store in town only carried fat free yogurt so I was left to buy the baby yogurt. the baby yogurt is great and all but it's expensive and I find it way more affordable to just buy the larger container and mix in our fruit and grains. any veggie or fruit purée will work and we like to add in some oat bran and or some flax meal for added nutrition. this morning I made a blueberry and spinach purée, added that to their yogurt along with some oat bran and mashed banana. it was gone in no time. and made this mama especially happy that I got in them two fruits and a veggie..... score for me :)

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